In Indian
business establishments one usually comes across the words, “shubha-labha”
written at or near auspicious places. Shubha-labha means pious profit. It
implies that profit which is incurred through righteous means. Profits thus
earned are always beneficial and leads to further prosperity and well being of
the society. Such inscribed words are a reminder and a source of motivation to
the people of the enterprise to act in a right dutiful way.
However, in
present times it is increasingly felt that the word ‘shubha’ in ‘shuhba-labha’
has lost its significance and ‘labha’ has become the focal point of achievement
by whatever means; pious or impious. Negative values like self-centeredness,
corruption, untruthfulness, exploitation of people and natural resources are on
a rise everywhere, despite enormous progress in the education. Profits thus earned have got its own negative
impact on the individuals and society. The breeding ground of such negativity
is the ignorance of the reality of self and the world around us.
Teaching of
Bhagavad-Gita can help in understanding the concept of ‘shubha-labha’ in an
effective way. Bhagavad-Gita, commonly known as ‘The Gita” is a dialogue
between lord Krishna and his friend Arjuna which took place in the midst of the
battlefield of Kurushetra at the dawn of the great war. The objective of this
dialogue was to bring clarity in Arjuna’s mind regarding his duties as a
warrior and the attitude with which to carry on his work; here ‘fighting’. These
teachings can also be beautifully applied to another kind of work arena; that
is ‘business’.
One of the
primary objectives of a business enterprise is to earn profit. Earning profit
is not bad but what matters is how it is earned and spend. Hindu philosophy
believes in the law of ‘karma’. This law emphasises that every right action
reaps good results and every wrong action brings about harmful results. This
triggers endless cycles of viscious circles in which a person finds himself
trapped in these complex times as it is not easy to determine what is right and
what is wrong. What is right in one culture, it may be wrong in another culture
or visa-versa. Also every action is like a coin; having both sides of good and
bad results.
In Gita, Krishna
says to Arjuna; “Be a yogi and fight”. Had there been a businessman in place of Arjuna,
Krishna would have said “Be a yogi and do your work".
Who is a yogi then? Gita says, yoga is the equanimity of the mind. A yogi is
one who has an equinomous mind and remains undisturbed in all circumstances and
dualities of life, whether it be pleasure or pain, gain or loss, victory or
defeat. The question then arises, how such a state of mind can be achieved and
maintained? Krishna answers this question by explaining Arjuna that under
illusion you think and feel that you are your body and mind, limited and
mortal, but in reality you are the soul; the universal consciousness, which is
ever existant, infinite, immortal and one. Krishna tells Arjuna,"I am
Arjuna and you (Arjuna) is Krishna only. Learning this truth, overcome your fears
and doubts; arise and fight." This
knowledge of being infinite, immortal and one and firm abidance in it leads one
to be a yogi.
also explains how a yogi goes about doing his work. He says, a yogi does that
work which is in accordance to his nature (swa-dharma), following the spirit of
exchange and interdependence (yagna); a concept necessary for the functioning
of the world; without any attachment to the results of his action
(nishkam-karma), and for the well-being of the world and its people (lok-sangraha).
businessman thus performing his work with full awareness of the reality of his
being is fit to be called a yogi and the profits (labha) thus incurred will
always be pious (shubha). Infact, it can confidently be said that the outcome
of the activities of a true yogi will always be pious. This is stated very
clearly in the last shloka of the Gita, where Sanjay, narrator of the Gita to
Dhritrashtra says; "where there is Krishna, lord of the Yoga and Arjuna, the archer; there fortune, victory, abundance and
morality exist.” It implies work performed with yogic mindset will always be
pious (shubha).